Thursday, July 9, 2009

Excellent story

Philip, an instructor at Troy Dizon Dating, has posted a story about how he made out with a girl after two hours of talking to her, WITH her boyfriend there as well. They made out somewhere else lol, but he had his wing distract the boyfriend. It's an awesome story, one that I definitely want to emulate someday. This was my favorite part of it:

"And note, once again, I have done no active ‘gaming’ here. No linear process. No SOI. Just expressed myself as a confident, sexual man."

I don't want to learn technique, I want to learn how to be a really cool guy instead, and have girls like me because of who I am, not because I have some magic line or something. Sounds mushy, but it's true.

The full story is HERE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed it's been a while since you've posted anything. Are you still involved the community? Member of any forums at all?

    If so, feel free to check out my blog:
